Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What is the importance of the F7: Show Profit button in the Godown Summary?

What is the importance of the F7: Show Profit button in the Godown Summary?

The F7 button is used to view the Godown Profitability Statement. Once you this button the Outwards column displays the quantity, rate, value, consumption, gross profit and percentage for godown in the period.

Quantity: The quantity of goods sold.

Rate: The rate of the items sold.

Value: The Total Sales value.

Consumption: The cost of goods sold .

Gross Profit: Sales value minus Consumption amount.

Percentage: Percentage of Gross Profit on the Sales value.

The button toggles between Show Profit/Hide Profit.

This is similar to the option Show Consumption & Gross Profits available in F12 Configuration.