Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to enter opening balance for stock items on a date (middle of the month or a year) which is different from the Books Beginning Date?

How to enter Opening Balance for Stock Items on a Date (middle of the Month or A Year) which is different from the Books Beginning Date?

Opening Balances for stock item master can be entered only from the Books Beginning Date.

However as a work around, users can record; 
  • Physical Stock Vouchers to affect the inventory reports, if only Quantity has to be updated to the books.
  • Stock Journal by specifying the Stock Item details with the Rate on the Destination (production) side.
 For Example: Customer who purchases Tally.ERP 9 on 1st of June but the books are beginning from 1st of April. In this case the user can pass a Physical Stock Voucher orStock Journal as on 1st of June.